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After a week of marches and road blockades, Ecuador's national indigenous movement and the government of President Rafael Correa have initiated talks.

On Monday afternoon, a delegation of about 150 representatives from the three regional organizations of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE) attended a meeting with the President and his cabinet in Quito.

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On March 15, the United Nations General Assembly voted 170–4 to create a new Human Rights Council, effectively dissolving the oft-criticized Commission on Human Rights. Candidates for the Council will need to be elected by an absolute majority of 96 votes in order to secure a position, and once elected members can serve a maximum of two consecutive terms.

Vancouver-based Ascendant Copper (TSX: ACX) plans to submit the EIS for its Junán copper-molybdenum project in Ecuador to the government and local communities in mid-January, the company reported in a statement.

The study outlines Ascendant's proposed exploration program and how the company plans to adhere to environmental regulations. The EIS will be subject to a 30-day public comment period, after which it will go to Ecuador's mining ministry for consideration.

Global Response is currently involved in two campaigns in Ecuador, where indigenous Shuar, Achuar and Kichwa Sarayacu communities are struggling to protect their territories against multinational oil companies. 

The Ecuadorian environmental organization Accion Ecologica supports these and many other campaigns for environmental protection and environmental justice in Ecuador. In May, their office was burglarized, and now they have received death threats.

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