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Ti qacachajij ri ojer qab’anikil pa ruwi’ri tzuqun’ik kichin ri qajotay

3ra Conferencia Internacional del Maíz de los Pueblos Indígenas, 7 al 9 de marzo de 2017 

“Protegiendo nuestros orígenes ancestrales para garantizar la Soberanía Alimentaria de nuestras generaciones futuras.”


La Declaración de Tecpán

9 de marzo de 2017


Cultural Survival and Toronto-based WACC are pleased to announce the first round of grantees of our Community Media Grants Project partnership, an initiative strengthening international Indigenous community radio stations' broadcast infrastructure and systems. Ensuring that Indigenous communities have a viable and critical medium for dissemination of news, information, community events, historical documentation, education and entertainment, the project aims to enhance community efforts to establish and ensure sustainability of Indigenous community-controlled media.

El 5to Taller anual de Elevando Voces: Ciencia Colaborativa con Sabiduría Indígena para soluciones Climáticas, será realizado en el Centro Nacional de Investigación Atmosférica en Boulder, Colorado, del 13-15 de Abril, 2017.  El taller será convocado en alianza con Cultural Survival (Sobrevivencia Cultural) y el Consejo Internacional del Tratados Indios.
Cultural Survival is pleased to announce the launch of our Strengthening Indigenous Women’s Leadership in Community Radio Initiative. The initiative will support a cohort of Indigenous women in Central America through a series of training and network-building workshops enabling participants to gain leadership and practical skills in investigative journalism, community radio production, and technical equipment operation.

December 10th, 2016 will mark the 68th anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the UN General Assembly.  Let's send a message that the struggle for the implementation of the standards proposed in the Declaration of Human Rights continues today in many corners of the world, especially in Indigenous communities, by airing this free series of programs that provides information on how Indigenous people can use UN mechanisms to defend their rights. 

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