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His Excellency Oh Joon
President of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
United Nations


June 30, 2016


His Excellency,

Cultural Survival wishes to express our concern over this year’s election process for the current slate of members of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. More specifically, we are concerned with the non-appointment of Joan Carling as the Indigenous-nominated member from Asia, despite her nomination by Indigenous Peoples organizations in the region.

A joint intervention by the International Indian Treaty Council (IITC), Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact, Consejo de Todas las Tierras, National Congress of American Indians, Native American Rights Fund, Cultural Survival, Alifuru Council, the Global Caucus of Indigenous Persons with Disabilities, Indigenous Bar Association of Canada, La Fundacion Paso A Paso and the Indigenous World Association was presented by Andrea Carmen of IITC at the United Nations Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples' 9

A joint intervention by the International Indian Treaty Council (IITC), Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact, Consejo de Todas las Tierras, National Congress of American Indians, Native American Rights Fund, Cultural Survival, Alifuru Council, the Global Caucus of Indigenous Persons with Disabilities, Indigenous Bar Association of Canada, La Fundacion Paso A Paso and the Indigenous World Association was presented by Andrea Carmen of IITC at the United Nations Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples' 9

On July 12, 2016, Dev Kumar Sunuwar delivered the following intervention under Agenda item 6: Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Relation to Business Enterprises during the 9th Session of the UN Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Geneva.


Mr. Chair, distinguished representatives, Indigenous brothers and sisters. 

I am Dev Kumar Sunuwar, pleased to make this intervention on behalf of indigenous peoples of Nepal.

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