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Set amidst rolling prairies and the Badlands, Young Lakota shares with viewers the perspectives of three young Lakota as they find themselves in the middle of political controversy in the small town of Kyle on South Dakota’s Pine Ridge Reservation. The film centers on Sunny Clifford, who has recently returned to Pine Ridge after two years in college and aspires to improve the reservation she grew up on.

The hosting of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia has caused a recent uproar in the local Indigenous Circassian community. The Circassian ancestral home is Circassia, Russia, an area in the North Caucus along the North East shore of the Black Sea. The 2010 Russian census recorded a population of 718,727 Circassians. Circassians are divided into two main tribes, the Adyghe and the Karbardians.

By Idle No More

The February 14th Annual Women’s Memorial March is held on Valentine’s Day each year to honour the memory of Indigenous women, including trans and two-spirit women, who have died as a result of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual violence. Now in its 23rd year, the March remembers and honours murdered and missing women, and seeks to organize against ongoing gendered violence that women face.

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