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Cristina Bautista (Facebook)


Cultural Survival strongly condemns the ongoing violence against Indigenous Colombians. According to Colombia’s human rights ombudsman, 486 activists and human rights defenders have been murdered since January 2016. A majority of those killed have been Indigenous. 

The National Indigenous Organization of Colombia (ONIC) reports that 121 Indigenous people have been murdered since President Duque took office in August 2018. 

Kanahus Manuel held for hours without proper medical attention for wrist injured in arrest

For Immediate Release: October 21, 2019

(Unceded Secwepemc Territory / Blue River, BC) – At 9 a.m. on October 19, 2019 Kanahus Manuel and Isha Jules of Tiny House Warriors were arrested on Highway 5. They had stopped to tell construction workers they had no Secwepemc consent to flag in preparation for roadwork. Police arrived on the scene and within minutes arrested Manuel and Jules for the crime of “bugging.”

“The government of the U.S. has repeatedly failed to protect the human rights of the Gwich'in"

New York, NY -- In a submission sent on October 3 to the United Nations Human Rights Council, Indigenous rights groups raised concerns about human rights violations against the Gwich’in Nation as a result of the Trump administration’s push to sell off the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for drilling. 

It has been three months since the construction of the 30-meter observatory was planned to begin on the Mauna Kea summit and has since been blockaded by the mobilization of Indigenous Hawaiian and allied peoples to protect the right to maintain their practices that would be jeopardized by the observatory.

For eight days Indigenous Peoples have been in the streets of Ecuador leading protests against the neoliberal government of Lenin Moreno. While protests have been largely peaceful, protesters have clashed with riot police in the largest civic mobilization since 2005 as thousands call for repeal of austerity measures. President Moreno left Quito on Monday, October 7, moving his government to the port city of Guayaquil.

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