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We are encouraged that there have been no more full-scale police attacks on Samburu villages since Cultural Survival’s research delegation gathered evidence of the attacks in January. In February, after receiving Cultural Survival’s report of human rights abuses by Kenyan police forces against the Samburu people, Kenya’s Minister of Internal Security ordered police forces to refrain from using force and to conduct the disarmament operation in northern Kenya peacefully.

The Supreme Court of Canada has taken a positive step for First Nations in a case that may have major legal implications for the development of oil sands, pipelines, and other projects in the province of Alberta. The court granted intervenor status to Duncan's First Nation and Horse Lake First Nation. This “standing” allows the nations to pursue their case before the court, where otherwise, they wouldn’t be allowed to appeal at all.

Our letter-writing campaign is already having an impact in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia!  On Lembata Island, where a new gold mine threatened to pollute the rivers and displace 60,000 Indigenous people, the local parliament voted to prohibit gold mining. It is still important for government officials at the national and provincial levels to hear from us, however, so that they honor this decision at the local level. So if you have not yet sent letters in support of this campaign, please do so today.

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