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Cultural Survival Joins Proud 2 B Indigenous Week

A Coalition of 50+ Indigenous Groups Host #Proud2BIndigenous Week during UNPFII

 First Peoples Worldwide

New York, NY

From May 20-31st, Maasai from Africa, Yawanawa from South America, Māori from South East Asia, Lakota from North America, and Indigenous Peoples from around the world will come together in New York City for the Twelfth Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII). They will discuss several issues critical to indigenous peoples including health, education, culture, human rights and the implementation of The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).

First Peoples Worldwide, an indigenous-led organization dedicated to the mission of promoting Indigenous economic determination and strengthening Indigenous communities, is organizing PROUD TO BE INDIGENOUS WEEK during the Permanent Forum. They will be hosting several events in New York City (click here for the schedule), but since most indigenous people will not make it to New York, First Peoples is running an online campaign to allow indigenous peoples everywhere to engage with UNPFII and each other.

Throughout the week, First Peoples will be celebrating indigenous people through stories, photos and videos on Facebook,Twitter and Youtube and sharing news from UNPFII. More importantly, First Peoples will be asking indigenous peoples to share photos and videos of themselves expressing why they are proud to be indigenous while holding a sign with the hashtag #Proud2BIndigenous and posting it to Facebook and Twitter.

"Cultural Survival is excited to be part of Proud2BIndigenous Week. P2BI sheds light on and brings the important work of the UNPFII to Indigenous communities around the globe who cannot be there in person. As part of the program, we are awarding Indigenous activitst Dayamanu Barla with the ELL Indigenous Rights Award, and on Friday May 24 at Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza in NYC, we are hosting the Cultural Survival Bazaar, a cultural festivals that provide Indigenous artists, cooperatives, and their representatives the chance to sell their work directly to the American public." Suzanne Benally, Executive Director (Navajo/ Santa Clara Tewa)

To be part of #Proud2BIndigenous, sign up at

Next week, we will be sharing and asking people to share content (articles, photos, videos, music, etc.) across FIVE THEMES:
Monday: Land - We will be asking people where they are from and to post information about  their ancestral land. We will be posting stories about Indigenous land rights, land grabs, etc. If you have stories about land, please share them. 
Tuesday: Language - We will be asking people to share their native language with us and the success and challenges they are facing related to keeping their language alive.
Wednesday: Art - We want people to share any kind of native art with us - visual arts, dancing, body art, music, etc.
Thursday: Food - Anything to do with native food - how it is grown, prepared, eaten, etc., - we want to know about it and see it.
Friday: Knowledge - Indigenous knowledge holds the key to our future and we will be asking people to share some of their native wisdom with the world.


The Proud To Be Indigenous Coalition includes First Peoples WorldwideCultural SurvivalSmithsonian's National Museum of the American IndianIndian Country Today Media NetworkAmazon WatchUnited Nations Global CompactA World Institute for a Sustainable Humanity (AWISH); Action Communautaire pour la Promotion des Défavorisés Batwa (ACPROD-BATWA); Africa Grantmakers' Affinity Group; Bajoh Indigenous Development Association; Bible Hill Youth Club; Borena Amara Wetatoch Mehaber (BAYA); Borneo ProjectBuffalo Nickel CommunicationsConscious Living; Council of the Maya Ancestral Authorities of the Ixil Region; ELEMENTAL;Enterprise Development & Enterprise FacilityFundación Paso a PasoGlobal HandGulu Deaf AssociationGwich'in Steering CommitteeHiga-onon Ha Migsabuwa Ta Lanao, Inc.; Il’laramatak Community ConcernsIndigenous Peoples Issues and ResourcesIndigenous WavesInternational Indian Treaty Council (IITC); Literacy Action And Development Agency (LADA)Longhouse Media; Maya Leaders Alliance, Mindanao Fish, Wildlife Degenders and Parks Association; Mengbwa: Actions Jeunes (MAJE)Native Arts CollectiveNumi Organic Tea; Organisation d'Accompagnement et d'Appui aux Pygmées (OSAPY); Organization of Indigenous Communities of Masisea (OCOIM); Peopleriver; Pikhumpongan Dlibon Subanen, Inc. (PDSI); Pueblos Indígenas Chorotega (CPICh); Pwani Leadership Council (Kenya); Pygmy People Association for a Sustainable Development; Red Alliance MediaRunaSATIIM - Sarstoon-Temash Institute for Indigenous Management; Sundarbon Adibasi Munda Sangastha (SAMS), sweetriotTankaTebtebba; Toledo Alcaldes Association; Uganda Gender Rights Foundation; Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO), Urunji Child-Care Trust; and Vision Maker Media.