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IIFB Opening Statement at COP16

Sixteenth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties
21 October to 1 November 2024, Cali, Colombia

Statement on behalf of the International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB) delivered by Manuel Jesus Mavisoy Juagibioy of the Mesa Permanente de Concertacion.

Thank you, Madame President.

I speak on behalf of the International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB). The IIFB recognizes the 115 Indigenous Peoples of Colombia, especially the Misak, Nasa, Yanacona, Eperara and Siapidara in whose traditional lands and territories we meet today. We thank the COP Presidency for their warm welcome and, the Voluntary Fund for enabling our participation.

This COP is crucial for setting the tone for implementation of the Biodiversity Plan, ensuring a rights-based and whole-of-society approach that enables our full and effective participation in achieving the goals and targets of the Plan.

Item 14 on Implementation of Article 8(J) is a key priority for the IIFB, and we call for the establishment of the Subsidiary Body on Article 8(j). This will create the necessary institutional arrangements for enhanced dialogue with the Parties to the CBD to address issues in depth. This Body shall build on the working methods and accumulated experience of the Working Group on Article 8(j) and related provisions. We support the adoption of the new Programme of Work on article 8(j), and we have prioritized 25 tasks which we will present in due course.

Regarding resource mobilization and the financial mechanism, the IIFB calls for an inclusive approach that provides direct and equitable access to financial resources for Indigenous peoples and local communities from all socio-cultural regions and all ecosystems, ensuring they fit our diverse capacity needs. Indigenous Peoples and local communities must be included as equal partners in developing a governance structure Sixteenth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties 21 October to 1 November 2024, Cali, Colombia that will ensure an inclusive and equitable mechanism directing funds and enhances our collective biodiversity actions.

Regarding DSI, the IIFB urges Parties to adopt the modalities for operationalizing the multilateral benefit-sharing mechanism on DSI at this COP. Indigenous Peoples and local communities should be included in the governance of the mechanism and the fund and be the primary beneficiaries. As the most effective guardians of biodiversity, our direct access to the fund must be ensured because in the current system, funds often pass through intermediaries that charge high administrative fees, with only a trickle of funds going to local action. IIFB believes that strong and abiding partnerships between CBD Parties and Indigenous Peoples and local communities are the foundation for successful GBF implementation, planning, monitoring, reporting and review.

IIFB puts forward the following proposals to proceed smoothly and effectively on adopting the monitoring framework. IIFB urge Parties to adopt the indicator on land use change and land tenure in the traditional territories of Indigenous Peoples and local communities as headline indicator for Target 22 by lifting the existing brackets. We further urge Parties to lift the remaining brackets in the COP Decision, including those in Annex 1 and Annex 2.

IIFB considers that there remain gaps with respect to the application of a human rights-based approach, as a fundamental consideration of Section C of the KMGBF. These gaps need to be addressed in future work towards improving the monitoring framework of the KMGBF.

The IIFB calls for ensuring the full and effective participation of Indigenous Peoples and local communities particularly women and youth of these communities in the updating and implementation of NBSAPs.

COP16’s theme “Peace for Nature” takes center stage, reminding us of the critical link between peace, justice, and the protection of our natural world. This theme underscores the importance of fostering peaceful coexistence not only between nations but also between people and the ecosystems they depend upon for Sixteenth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties 21 October to 1 November 2024, Cali, Colombia survival. As we advocate for "Peace for Nature," we also call for peace and dignity for peoples all over the world who are not able to do so themselves.

We stand ready to elaborate on our proposals at the contact groups and other meetings of this COP.

Thank you, Madame President. 

Read the full statement.