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Indigenous Languages: Investing in Education and Media as Effective Tools to Revitalize and Promote Transmission of Language and Traditional Knowledge

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Lenguas Indígenas: La inversión en educación y medios de comunicación

his side-event will be an opportunity to hear an update from UNESCO on the Global Action Plan on the International Decade of Indigenous Languages and share solutions and strategies Indigenous People have implemented in media and education, and the urgent steps that must be addressed at the national and international levels to curb the critical loss of Indigenous languages. Co-hosts: UNESCO/ International Funders for Indigenous Peoples / Cultural Survival

Moderator: Alvin Warren (Santa Clara), Vice President of Career Pathways and Advocacy at LANL Foundation and IFIP Board Member

Irmgarda Kasinskaite-Buddeberg, Advisor, Communication and Information Sector, UNESCO
Shaldon Ferris (KhoiSan), Cultural Survival Indigenous Rights Radio Producer
Toroga Denver Breda, Khoekhoegowab Linguistic Rights Defender
Gabriela Velázquez Álvarez, Programme Coordinator, UNESCO
Office in Mexico
Carlos Cortez, Intangible Cultural Heritage Specialist, Directorate of Intangible Cultural Heritage, El Salvador

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