The Mapuche Tehuelche community of the Lof Pailako in Chubut, Argentina, are facing forced eviction from their ancestral lands.
By Candela Palacios (CS Staff)
The Collective of Communicators promotes the voices of Indigenous leaders and defenders of Pachamama, where the spirituality of Indigenous Peoples is sustained. They work with different institutions and communities to meet the current need for more media and publications that address Indigenous issues in Argentina. The Native voices that are featured express their realities and worldview in their native language.
The objective of the Raíces Ancestrales Indigenous Audiovisual Production Company is identity-based communication to make visible new voices of women, Indigenous youth, children, and Elders.
By Candela Palacios (CS Staff)
Cultural Survival stands in solidarity with the Mapuche Tehuelche Peoples of the Lof Paillako community in Chubut, Argentina, whose forced eviction has been momentarily suspended pending a decision in a federal court. However, the situation remains critical.
By Clemente Flores (Kolla)
Photos by Joaquin Zaldivar and Soledad Sede
Today, we take the floor on behalf of various Indigenous communities from the territory currently known as the Argentine Republic, who unfortunately could not be present here. We seek to convey their words in order to make known the persecution, violence, and dispossession that our brothers and sisters are suffering because of an extractivism that is disguised as "green", but which in reality responds to the same capitalist logic that has justified the destruction of our communities for more than five centuries.
By Candela Palacios (CS Staff)
By Candela Palacios (CS Staff)
“Dad, tell me again, why did you have to go so far away?”
“We hoped that way the claim for our land would finally be heard, my son.”
“But is the land not already ours?”
“Yes, son. It always has been. But some people want this fact to be forgotten, as we ourselves have been.” *
On June 15, 2023, the Constitutional Convention of the province of Jujuy, in the north of Argentina, approved a constitutional reform that severely rolls back achievements made at the national level in terms of human rights and Indigenous Peoples’ rights. The reform also criminalizes the act of protesting.