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On April 15-26, 2024, the 22nd session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) took place. This year’s session theme focused on "Enhancing Indigenous Peoples’ right to self-determination in the context of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: emphasizing the voices of Indigenous youth.” Over 2000 delegates attended with a large youth presence. 

On April 11, 2024, Columbia Global Freedom of Expression (CGFoE) revealed the winners of the 2024 Columbia Global Freedom of Expression Prizes in the categories of Significant Legal Ruling and Excellence in Legal Services, recognizing remarkable contributions to the advancement of freedom of expression worldwide.

United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
23rd Session
New York, April 15-26, 2024

Theme 5(g): Thematic dialogues, including on the financing of Indigenous Peoples’ work and participation in the context of, inter alia, development, climate, environment and biodiversity

Presented by Jurandir Seridiwê Xavante, representing the Xavante Associations Warã, Eténhiritipa, Pimentel Barbosa, Ö'a'a, Mobilization of Indigenous Peoples of the Cerrado (MOPIC) and Cultural Survival

Intervención en la 23º Sesión del Foro Permanente de las Naciones Unidas para las Cuestiones Indígenas 

Entregada por Cultural Survival y las Asociaciones Paĩ Retã Joaju, Pai Jopotyra y Paĩ Rekopavẽ 

Tema 4: Debate sobre los seis ámbitos del mandato del Foro Permanente (desarrollo económico y social, cultura, medio ambiente, educación, salud y derechos humanos) en relación con la Declaración de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas y la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible) 

Intervention in the 23rd Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues Delivered by the Maya Lawyers Association and Cultural Survival

Theme 3 (continuation): Discussion on the topic “Enhancing the right of Indigenous Peoples to self-determination in the context of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: highlighting the voices of Indigenous youth”

Presented by: Adriana Sunun (Kaqchikel Maya)

Today, we take the floor on behalf of various Indigenous communities from the territory currently known as the Argentine Republic, who unfortunately could not be present here. We seek to convey their words in order to make known the persecution, violence, and dispossession that our brothers and sisters are suffering because of an extractivism that is disguised as "green", but which in reality responds to the same capitalist logic that has justified the destruction of our communities for more than five centuries. 

On April 4 and 5, 2024, in the Indigenous community of Ita Guasu, Amambay, Paraguay, the leaders and representatives of various communities of the Guaraní Paĩ Tavyterã People held a preparatory session for their participation at the 23rd Session of the Permanent Forum of the United Nations on Indigenous Issues, which will take place from April 15 to 26 at its headquarters in New York, United States.

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