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By Dev Kumar Sunuwar (Koĩts-Sunuwar) CS staff

UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, concluded his four-day visit to Nepal on November 1, where he highlighted the urgent need for global attention to the climate crisis in the Himalayas. Despite the war in the Middle East, he chose to visit Nepal, perhaps to draw attention to another catastrophe—the climate crisis—a month before UNFCCC COP28 is set to take place in Dubai. 

Quienes conformamos Cultural Survival expresamos nuestro profundo dolor por los miles de palestinos e israelíes muertos en las últimas semanas tras el horrible ataque y la toma de rehenes de civiles israelíes inocentes por parte de Hamás el 7 de octubre y el por bombardeo en curso de Gaza por parte del ejército israelí.

Cultural Survival expresses our profound grief for the thousands of Palestinians and Israelis killed in recent weeks after Hamas’ horrific October 7 attack and taking hostage of innocent Israeli civilians and the ongoing bombardment of Gaza by the Israeli military. We repudiate the current and decades-long genocidal violence against the Palestinian people. We add our voices to those of millions of people around the world demanding a safe corridor for humanitarian aid to enter the Gaza Strip and demanding an immediate ceasefire.

On Sunday night, October 22, 2023, Arnaldo Benítez Vargas, one of the spiritual leaders (tekoaruvicha) of Yvy Pyte, suffered an attack by people linked to the conflict of invasion of their ancestral territories and the advance of systematic genocide against the Paĩ Tavyterã Peoples in Paraguay.

The leaders of Yvy Pyte have been denouncing a series of violent acts and abuses in their territories before the corresponding judicial and governmental bodies, seeking a definitive solution to the conflict, since the lives of the members of the community are at risk. 

Cultural Survival’s Indigenous Community Media Fund provides funding opportunities, accompaniment, and training to Indigenous community media platforms to carry out their crucial informational, documentary, and cultural work within and outside their communities. Since 2017, the Indigenous Community Media Fund has awarded 298 grants, supporting community media projects in 29 countries across 3 continents, totaling $1,772,361.

UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, José Francisco Calí Tzay (Maya Kaqchikel), conducted a week-long visit to Nepal on September 10–17, 2023, to meet and learn more about Nepal’s Indigenous Peoples and the status of their human rights. Calí Tzay was invited to Nepal for academic purposes by the Central Department of Anthropology of Tribhuvan University, the oldest and biggest university in the country.

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