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By Carlos Madrigal (Mazahua/Jñatjo, CS Staff)

Luzbeydi Monterrosa (Wayuu) is a young Indigenous woman from La Guajira, a binational Wayuu town located between Venezuela and northern Colombia. She was born in Venezuela territorially and has both nationalities through her parents. For the past eight years, she has been making and directing films from the perspective of the Wayuu people and their territory. She is currently a film student at the Cinematographic Institute of Humanistic Research in Mexico.

By Association Zihuame Xotlametzin

In the historical records, one can find much information on the situation of inequality, discrimination, and gender-based violence against women in its different forms in the General Law on Women's Access to a Life Free of Violence. The central and mountain region of Guerrero is no exception. Every day, multiple social, cultural, economic, and political barriers hinder the full exercise of women's human rights.

European Parliament’s recognition of Indigenous Rights a positive step, but the law fails to fully recognize the sovereignty of Indigenous Peoples

The Securing Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in the Green Economy (SIRGE) Coalition celebrates that the European Parliament included Indigenous Peoples’ right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent, as enumerated in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), in their official position on the Critical Raw Material Act (CRMA) adopted on Septembe

By Reynaldo A. Morales

Indigenous Mbororo Peoples, nomad pastoralists practicing transhumance from time immemorial, remain in a legal limbo, continually displaced under jurisdictional movement in the regions of West and Central Africa. With thousands of deaths related to farmer-herder skirmishes recorded in the past two decades, the realities of climate change and the resulting massive loss of biodiversity exacerbate major security and economic challenges on the ground. 

Por Edson Krenak (Krenak, pessoal de Cultural Survival)

Iniciativa global analisa como diferentes fabricantes de automóveis se saem em seus esforços para eliminar combustíveis fósseis, danos ambientais e abusos aos direitos humanos em suas cadeias de suprimentos - desde mineração até as montadoras. O estudo é de grande relevância para os Povos Indígenas.

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