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By Celia Flor Díaz Pérez (Maya Tsotsil)

The theme of lands and livelihoods brought us together as Keepers of the Earth Fund grant partners from January 15 to 17, 2024, in Siguatepeque, Honduras, thanks to the invitation of Cultural Survival. The Red Comal Network was our warm host who welcomed us with the representations of Indigenous, Maya Q´echi´, Maya Tsotsil, and Lenca organizations from Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico.

Diana Pastor (maya k’iche’), CS staff

A group of women dance and sing around the fire. The atmosphere is one of camaraderie and joy. In addition to singing and dancing, they play games, paint tattoos, and offer words of gratitude to the land and to themselves for having shared knowledge and experiences in recent days to continue to protect their territories. The feeling is one of bittersweetness, but also of satisfaction. 

By Organización Comuna Amazónica 

The aggressive advance of mining extractivism in Ecuador threatens the entire country. In our province, Napo, we are experiencing one of the most serious environmental disasters in our history, caused by the complicity of mining companies, illegal mining operators, and the government, who have formed a network of corruption that is poisoning our water sources and bleeding the jungle, affecting our economy and putting our health at risk.

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