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Las Semanas “Orgulloso de Ser Indígena” comienzan el Lunes, 16 de Abril

Los Pueblos Indígenas de todo el mundo estarán viajando a la ciudad de Nueva York para el Foro Permanente de la Organización Naciones Unidas sobre Cuestiones Indígenas del 16 de al 27 de abril. Aunque la mayoría de nosotros no podemos llegar a Nueva York, nuestras voces deben ser escuchadas. Nuestro objetivo es crear una tormenta de actividad en línea durante el Foro Permanente para que se escuchen las voces Indígenas en todas partes.

The U.S. Department of Arts and Culture (USDAC) launched a new campaign called Honor Native Land in October 2017 that calls on individuals and organizations “to open all public events and gatherings with an acknowledgment of the traditional Native inhabitants of the land.” Whether it be in a conference setting, classroom, place of worship or sports stadium, the practice of honoring the historic relationship Indigenous Peoples have with the land is a crucial step in the process of decolonization and reconciliation. It’s an act of respect toward Native peoples who have lived and continue to live on their land despite centuries of dispossession and oppression. According to the USDAC website, 75 organizations have already signed the pledge to make acknowledgment a regular practice including arts organizations, non-profits and educational institutions.
With a grant from Cultural Survival’s Keepers of the Earth Fund (KOEF), Sunuwar Sewa Samaj (Sunuwar Welfare Society) plans to raise awareness about the right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) in relation to hydropower generation projects being undertaken in the territories of Koĩts-Sunuwar Indigenous communities in Nepal.

Cultural Survival condemns the murder of the Purépecha environmental activist Guadalupe Campanur Tapia, whose body was found on January 16, 2018 in the municipality of Checrán, Michocán, Mexico. She was strangled to death by two unidentified killers. Investigators have not indicated that Campanur’s death was due to her activism, but they have not ruled it out either.

Por Avexnim Cojti

El Pueblo Maya Ch’orti’ cubre un vasto territorio en el Oriente de Guatemala principalmente en los municipios de Camotán, Jocotán, San Juan Ermita, Olopa, Quezaltepeque en el departamento de Chiquimula y La Unión, en el departamento de Zacapa, se extiende a los hermanos países de  El Salvador y Honduras. Según estadísticas nacionales, la mayoría de Ch’orti’ vive en Guatemala. Los Ch’orti’ son descendientes de sus ancestros Copan Kalel del Reino del Payaquí y  Copán, Guatemala/ Honduras.

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