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Sabino Romero, chief of the Indigenous Yupka community in the Sierra of Perijá, Venezuela, was murdered in March of 2013. The Yupka community claims that the suspected murderers were hired by cattle ranchers attempting to take the ancestral lands of the Yupka people. Romero was a lands activist who defended his community’s ancestral lands from cattle ranchers and mining companies.

By Anna Hernandez

When Bolivia passed the Law for the Defense of Mother Earth in December 2010, those behind the law, Indigenous leaders, conservationists, and the president were looking to the future. The law would be presented in the World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth in April in Cochabamba, Bolivia and would go on to become the Universal Declaration for the Rights of Mother Earth, which was taken to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) meetings in 2011.

Anuncio importante

Caso 12.717 Bocas del Toro Comunidades Ngäbe y otras contra el Estado de Panamá

Audiencia -157° período ordinario de sesionas ante la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos CIDH


Después de 11 años de conflicto socio ambiental entre el Pueblo Indígena Ngäbe y el Estado Panameño, los líderes de la comunidades Bocas del Toro, siguen exigiendo justicia en instancias internacionales.

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