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El 5to Taller anual de Elevando Voces: Ciencia Colaborativa con Sabiduría Indígena para soluciones Climáticas, será realizado en el Centro Nacional de Investigación Atmosférica en Boulder, Colorado, del 13-15 de Abril, 2017.  El taller será convocado en alianza con Cultural Survival (Sobrevivencia Cultural) y el Consejo Internacional del Tratados Indios.
On November 1, 2016, the Constitutional Chamber of Costa Rica’s Supreme Court provided some good news to a Terraba (Teribe) Indigenous territory when it stopped the state-run Costa Rica Electricity Institute (ICE by its Spanish acronym) from going forward with the Diquis hydroelectric project for failing to consult Indigenous communities who would see part of their lands flooded.
Cultural Survival and Toronto based WACC are pleased to announce the first grantee of our Indigenous Community Radio Grants Project partnership. A new radio start up, Radio Xyaab’ Tzuul Taq’a (“Voice of the Mountains” in Q’eqchi) of the Maya Q’eqchi community in El Estor, Guatemala was chosen because of the immediate need to strengthen broadcast infrastructure and systems,  and the start up’s promise for continued success.
Over 400 civil society organisations from more than 50 countries today issued a joint open letter to the seventeen banks providing a US$2.5 billion project loan to Dakota Access LLC. The letter, endorsed by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, demands that the banks involved immediately halt all further disbursements of the loan and require the project sponsor to stop construction work until all outstanding issues are resolved to the full satisfaction of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. The letter and the full list of signatories can be found below.
On September 15th, 2016, the International Criminal Court broadened its process for selecting and prioritising cases to include land grabbing and environmental destruction. The decision presents an opportunity to curb the deforestation and rights abuses driven by illegally-issued agricultural concessions in Cambodia, likely to be the court’s first credible case. It also has important implications for other countries suffering from the worst excesses of illegal deforestation. Neil Loughlin and Tom Johnson report.
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