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By Antonio A R Ioris

“…we know that we are going and we want to be killed and buried with our ancestors here where we are today, so we ask the Government and the Federal Justice not to decree our eviction/expulsion, but we request to decree our collective death and to bury us everybody here. We ask, once and for all, to decree our decimation and total extinction, in addition to sending several tractors to dig a large hole to throw and bury our bodies.”

Letter Guarani-Kaiowá of Pyelito Kue (2012)

Cultural Survival aims to strengthen Indigenous women radio journalists’ leadership and improve their participation in decision-making spaces. Three years ago, we initiated a project "for a more visible world in an invisible world", a process of capacity building and accompaniment in community radio journalism with an intercultural approach to gender adapted to the reality of Central America. In late 2018, we extended the project to Colombia and Mexico.

By Joan Tavares Avant

“The notable veterans who have died should be genuinely remembered and celebrated. The ones who are blessed enough to be alive and or return home as wounded warriors should be cared for forever. Their spirit was given to uphold this country’s freedom and yours. Those who are walking around may look well, but many are not. There’s a lot this country should do for those past and present.”-- Chief Sachem Vernon “Silent Drum“ Lopez

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