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By Dev Kumar Sunuwar

The first ever Ainu Indigenous food festival, Indigenous Terra Madre Asia and Pan Pacific, was held October 11-14, 2019, in Ainu Moshir, the land of the Ainu Peoples in Hokkaido, Japan. Hosted by the Ainu Women’s Association, Menoko Mosmos, in collaboration with Slow Food Nippon, Slow Food and the Indigenous Terra Madre Network, the event was held to commemorate World Food Day. The first Indigenous Terra Madre was held in Jokkmokk, Sweden, the land of the Sami Peoples in 2011, then was followed by an event in Shillong, India, in 2015.

¡Los compañeros ya  estaban entusiasmados durante las prácticas, se notaba que ellos ya estaban al aire (…)! manifestó Elena Brito, representante legal de la Asociación Q’imb’al, quien participó en el taller de locución y formatos radiofónicos que se realizó el 17 y 18 de septiembre de este año, en las instalaciones de la Asociación, en Nebaj, Quiché, Guatemala.

By Dev Kumar Sunuwar

Indigenous media is technology used for the exchange of information among people, communication that may take place within family members, communities, and in the marketplace. In this article, Indigenous media does not refer to Indigenous oral or folk media, but encompasses those media or forms of media where expression is created, owned, controlled, and managed by Indigenous Peoples to produce and exchange culturally appropriate information in the languages that they speak and understand.

Media and Indigenous Peoples

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