By Edson Krenak Naknanuk
By Edson Krenak Naknanuk
By Esmeralda Peña
I walk on the sand and slow myself down. I take in the sun at its highest point. One tree humming to another accompanies my steps, softly like the sounds of the tongue's brief skipping from word to word. I recognize the phonemes because they are different, and in this difference a secret grows, a joy and a fear, so deep that occasionally it brushes the sounds far away from my daily walk.
By Milena Rodríguez
By Karen Recarte
By Inuit Circumpolar Council Alaska
September 14, 2020 Anchorage, Alaska – The Inuit Circumpolar Council Alaska, in collaboration with partners, is pleased to release the report: Food Sovereignty and Self-Governance - Inuit Role in Arctic Marine Resource Management. This Inuit-led report illuminates the unique and rich Inuit values and management practices that have successfully safeguarded the Arctic for thousands of years.
Por Elena Brito Herrera
Cultural Survival reconoce y apoya a las radios comunitarias Indígenas porque son uno de los medios principales para informar, educar, motivar y organizar a las comunidades Indígenas en sus propios idiomas, con pertinencia cultural, con los conocimientos propios y saberes para fortalecer su identidad y con reivindicación cultural en medio de los Estados nación.
Foto: Red Intercultural de Medios de Comunicación de los Pueblos Indígenas (RIMCOPI).
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