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By Madeline McGill

The Maasai are one of the most well known Indigenous people in Africa. Their colorful dress and unique cultural customs make them a landmark of Southern Kenya and Northern Tanzania. With their population estimates numbering well over a million between the two countries, they maintain a sizable cultural identity amidst their ancestral lands.

 By Madeline McGill

Further complications between extraction industries and Indigenous Peoples have been unveiled in a new report published by First Peoples Worldwide. The report, The Indigenous Rights Risk Report: How Violating Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Increases Industry Risks, found that U.S. extractive companies expose shareholders to tangible risks in neglecting the rights of the Nation’s Indigenous Peoples.

On Tuesday, December 9, 2014, at around 10:30 am Radio Juventud was raided by the Guatemalan Public Ministry, while Olga Ajcalon was on air broadcasting her women’s rights and education program. Radio Juventud has been serving the rural community of Sololá, Guatemala for over 10 years and has greatly contributed to educating and informing the surrounding communities.

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Cultural Survival’s sister organization, Asociación Sobrevivencia Cultural, in Guatemala works with our various networks of community radios to promote Indigenous rights. The team’s constant presence has helped to foster empowerment and support for the community radio movement. Asociación Sobrevivencia Cultural is working towards sustainability, taking a major step by hiring its executive director, who will continue to strengthen the structure of this young organization.

By Madeline McGill

In 2013, photographer Matika Wilbur embarked on a four-year journey called Project 562 to transform the way the public regards Native Peoples. A member of the Swinomish and Tulalip Tribes and tired of historical inaccuracies and stereotypical images, she sold everything in her Seattle apartment and set off to photograph each of the US’s 566 federally recognized tribes.

On November 6, 2014, she stood in front of students at Boston College after traveling to five cities in the last week.

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