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By Fr. Bijo Thomas, Station Director, Community Radio Mattoli, Wayanad, Kerala, India.

Radio Mattoli, a community radio station in  Dwaraka, located in the Wayanad district of Kerala, India, won the award for best thematic radio program by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. The station was recognized for having the best quality and most relevant and timely coverage of climate mitigation and Indigenous practices out of 448 community radio stations in India. The award was presented to Radio Mattoli on July 23, 2023. 


We sent this letter below to 560+ European Union legislators urging them to include Indigenous Peoples' rights in the Critical Raw Materials Act. 


Dear MEP,

Is consent really necessary? 

On 14 September, MEPs will vote on the ITRE Compromise text on the Commission proposal for Critical Raw Materials Regulation (CRMR). We call on you to support the inclusion of the Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) and Indigenous Peoples’ rights in the upcoming plenary vote. 

Cultural Survival works tirelessly in support of strengthening Indigenous knowledge and building capacity within Indigenous communities. We aim for this to happen not only within community spaces but also through exchanges between other communities that provide participants an opportunity to broaden perspectives and learn about the processes of other Peoples, as well as to learn from projects being carried out in other territories.

By Radio Tulik

Radio Tuklik serves five communities in the municipalities of Mayapan, Cantamayec, and Tahdziú, located adjacent to each other in the south and east regions of the Yucatan, Mexico. The state of Yucatan consists of 106 municipalities across 7 regions: west, northwest, center, central coast, northeast, east, and south.

By Gerard Beelt Tiwow (CS Intern)

"Na ang buhay ng batang isinilang ay maging kasing tatag at kasing tibay nga punungkahoy at kagubatn at higit salahat ay lumaki ang bata na nakaugat sa lupa." (May the child that is born grow as strong and sturdy as the tree and the forest where it grows, and be rooted to the earth.)-- Teduray Prayer 

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