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By Camilla Lindschouw (CS Intern)

Demarcation of ancestral lands is a crucial factor for Indigenous Peoples’ survival worldwide. Indigenous territories offer communal protection of the people living there and are essential to food sovereignty. They are also a protection against cultural extinction, as ancestral land cannot be separated from Indigenous Peoples’ past, present, and future. For the Siekopai Peoples of the western Amazon along the Ecuador-Peru border, the meaning of Pë’këya, their ancestral land, is no different.

Por Nati Garcia (Maya Mam, CS Staff)

Para os povos indígenas, o gênero sempre foi transcendal e diverso, interligado às nossas terras, línguas, culturas, espiritualidades e visões de mundo. A separação foi produto do processo de colonização e dos atos de genocídio que deram origem a uma regulamentação da sexualidade para eliminar a diversidade de gênero nas comunidades indígenas.

By Camilla Lindschouw (CS Intern)

The experience of being Indigenous and Transgender brings about a variety of unique intersectional challenges. Growing up in Tana (Deanu), Sápmi land, Levi Sørum (Sámi) lived most of his life rooted in Sámi culture and language. He says he feels fortunate to have attended Sámi kindergarten and one year of Sámi elementary school, in light of Norway’s history of attempting to erase Sámi culture.

By Concepción Ajanel (Maya K'iche')

On November 26, 2006, more than 20 people met in Chuicaxtún, Canton Chivax, Totonicapán, Guatemala, to create the project of Community Radio La Niña 88.5 FM. Without any prior technical knowledge of radio broadcasting, production, programming, administration, or how to install a transmitter, we took our first steps in community communication.

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