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Climate change affects Indigenous Peoples at disproportionate rates and impacts traditional lifeways and food sovereignty. On August 24-26, 2018, more than 60 Indigenous community members and experts from Xhidza  (Zapoteca), Quechua, Zapoteca, Kaqchikel, Ayuuk (Mixe), Dine’, Nahua, Otomí, Navajo, Santa Clara Tewa, Yaqui, Binizá (Zapoteca), Oneida, Sami, K’iche, Tacana, Aymara, and Mixteco communities met to discuss climate change, traditional knowledge, and food sovereignty in Ixtlán de Juárez, Oaxaca, Mexico.


The follwing are excerpts of interviews conducted at Respecting Our Traditional Science and Ways of Knowing event. Áslat Holmberg (SAMI) MEMBER OF THE SAMI COUNCIL, FINLAND


Everyone has the right to freedom of expression; to hold, seek, and share ideas without interference. Indigenous Peoples have been stewards of communication, passing down knowledge orally through many generations. They are experts of their media. Community radio has been a growing element in Indigenous Peoples exercising their rights and revitalizing their cultures, languages, and traditions.


“Coffee is as if it  belongs to everyone, because we all cut it.” — Paula Reyes Pérez


Spirit, Generosity, and Leadership

Reflecting on the past year at Cultural Survival, I am grateful for the success we have experienced in our programming and for having moved through the challenges we faced as an organization. I am also deeply aware that leadership in the executive director role is only successful when interconnected throughout the organization and interdependent on the wisdom and experience of staff and board…

Our website houses close to five decades of content and publishing. Any content older than 10 years is archival and Cultural Survival does not necessarily agree with the content and word choice today.