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The Keepers of the Earth Fund (KOEF) is proud to announce our 2024 partnership with Indigenous communities. At Cultural Survival, we value cultivating long-term relationships with our partners by supporting Indigenous projects on issues related to community empowerment for the defense of land and autonomy; strengthening Indigenous languages, cultures, and knowledge systems; conservation of Indigenous land and livelihoods in the face of climate change; and resistance to mining as a part of the solution to the “green” energy transition.

A casi tres años años de haber tenido que huir de su territorio, un grupo de más de 20 familias mixtecas continúa en un albergue de la ciudad de Tlaxiaco en condiciones precarias, sin suficiente espacio para vivir, sin los servicios básicos, sin atención médica y sobre todo, sin justicia ni esperanzas de poder volver. Se trata de las familias desplazadas por la violencia en el municipio de Atatlahuca (región Ñuu Savi o Mixteca, México), que desde el 2021 sufre un fuerte conflicto por su bosque y territorio.

By Xiting Tong (CS Intern)

Under the sprawling branches of ancient trees by Lake Bogoria, Elders and young people sat together. The Elders, whose faces bore the gentle lines of time, shared stories with the young generation. Their voices, though quiet, carried the weight of many years of Indigenous wisdom and experience. “I have come to learn that there are many Elders who have a lot of stories to tell, and we have to reach them through this project,” says Rodgers Kibet (Endorois), a youth from Mochongoi.

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