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In October 2023, Cultural Survival and Qhana Pukara Kurmi, an association of Indigenous communities of the department of Oruro, Bolivia, submitted an alternative report to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. The report spotlights the rights violations suffered by the Quechua communities of the Ayllu Acre Antequera for the Committee’s consideration during its 111th session, which took place from November 20 to December 8, 2023.

By Verónica Aguilar (Mixtec, CS Staff)

The Katari River in Bolivia runs 90 kilometers and empties into Lake Titicaca at the point where Tiquipa, an Aymara settlement, is located. Due to its location in the Chojasivi Canton, Los Andes Province, and at an altitude of 3,800 meters above sea level, this community protects one of the most important ecosystems in the region. However, pollution of their river and lake has created an environmental emergency.


Cultural Survival condena el uso de fuerza excesiva, violenta, tras la renuncia forzada del presidente boliviano Evo Morales (Aymara), el primer presidente Indígena del país, después de 10 días de protesta pública.

Morales huyó a México luego de denuncias de fraude electoral por parte de la Organización de Estados Americanos. Las protestas posteriores han dejado hasta el momento a 23 personas muertas, más de 100 heridos y varios encarcelados en diferentes partes del país.

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