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Welcome letter to friends of Global Response from Ellen. L. Lutz

Dear Global Response Members,

 Welcome to Cultural Survival!

We are honored and delighted to include you in our community of supporters of Indigenous Peoples and the environment.  The merger of Global Response with Cultural Survival ensures that our collective impact will be significantly greater than either organization could accomplish acting alone.

Your involvement is already having a transformative effect on Cultural Survival by adding, for the first time, a major program focused on protecting the environment.  Merging Global Response with Cultural Survival also expands the tools in our toolkit to respond to assaults on Indigenous Peoples’ lands and natural resources.  With Global Response’s experience in managing campaigns and Cultural Survival’s network of relationships with Indigenous Peoples and experience using international legal machinery to promote change, we will be doubly equipped to confront governments and corporations that are insensitive or hostile to isolated minorities and the Earth’s fragile ecosystems.

Together, Global Response and Cultural Survival will more than double the participation in our four annual major campaigns!  Together we will achieve the critical mass necessary to raise funds to widen the reach of our campaigns, provide greater support to threatened Indigenous communities, and use a wider array of tactics to persuade governments and corporations to respect our Earth and Indigenous Peoples’ rights.  Together we will become a voice that those who would cause harm must reckon with!

Both organizations’ Boards of Directors voted unanimously to support our merger, and our staff members are extremely excited about the opportunity it presents to expand the reach of our work.  A sense of collegiality was present from the time the merger opportunity presented itself in March, until it was finalized at the end of August.  As we go forward we especially welcome the participation of both organizations’ members and volunteers in our shared endeavor to make a difference!  Without you, nothing is possible!

As we consolidate the merger over the next few months, please feel free to contact Paula Palmer (303-444-0306 ext. 103; or me (617-441-5400 x. 16; if you have questions, concerns, or fresh ideas about how we can do a better job.

With my very best wishes,

Ellen. L. Lutz,
Executive Director
Cultural Survival