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By Dev Kumar Sunuwar (Koĩts-Sunuwar, CS Staff)

Human trafficking is one of the most difficult issues to address in Nepal. It is a purposefully hidden practice, affecting and exploiting thousands of women, adolescent girls, and children. But despite its invisible nature, it abundantly shows that Indigenous women and girls are disproportionately affected by human trafficking and represent almost 70 percent of the cases. 

By Dev Kumar Sunuwar (CS Staff)

Following a successful advocacy campaign by the Indigenous Community Radio Network (ICRN), a grant partner of Cultural Survival’s Indigenous Community Media Fund, along with other media organizations in Nepal, the Nepali government has decided to hold back its plans to present new media legislation to the federal Parliament for approval.

By Dev Kumar Sunuwar (CS Staff) 

Seven hydropower projects along the Likhu River in eastern Nepal have adversely impacted Indigenous and local communities who live in and near the project sites but have received little attention. Likhu River is a hydropower hub and a recent field study conducted by a team from Kathmandu of the area found that the construction of these disruptive hydropower projects were shrouded in secrecy and deceit to Indigenous and local communities. 

By Dev Kumar Sunuwar

A recent Chitwan District Court order to imprison Chiran Kumar Budha, a Nepal Army soldier who was arrested for allegedly beating 24-year-old Raj Kumar Chepang (Chepang) from Piple Milan Chowk Ward, in Rapti Municipality, Chitwan, is a sign of hope for Chepang Peoples. Justice is usually rare in cases related to conservation in Nepal.

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