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By Matthew Gilbert

Most would say Daniel Lum has a lot on his plate. The soon-to-be-published author and father of five has bills, rent payments, an occasional family crisis to resolve, friends to help, his parents to assist, his two dogs, and perhaps a move to Anchorage to start a restaurant; but beyond these countless responsibilities, the Inupiaq man magically finds time to fight for the Arctic Ocean.

The Ihanktonwan Oyate/Yankton Sioux General Council of South Dakota passed key resolutions in April to affirm their opposition to the Keystone XL Pipeline.

According to Native News Network,  an April 4th Resolution declared that consultation with tribes by the State Department in regards to the pipeline project has been flawed and has not lived up to standards established in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

By Terrance Hall

Smokin’ Fish. 2011, 81 minutes. Directed by Luke Griswold-Tergis & Cory Mann (Native American Public Telecommunications, Inc).          

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