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By Dev Kumar Sunuwar

A recent Chitwan District Court order to imprison Chiran Kumar Budha, a Nepal Army soldier who was arrested for allegedly beating 24-year-old Raj Kumar Chepang (Chepang) from Piple Milan Chowk Ward, in Rapti Municipality, Chitwan, is a sign of hope for Chepang Peoples. Justice is usually rare in cases related to conservation in Nepal.

Dear CS Community,

As we all deal with the impacts of COVID-19, I want to take a moment to recognize the incredible work our on-the-ground grant partners are doing to continue to revitalize their Indigenous languages and cultures. 

Por Sasil Sánchez Chan

En estos días de pandemia, en los que el COVID-19 hizo evidente las múltiples debilidades que las organizaciones políticas denominadas Estado/Nación traen consigo, sobresalió uno de los temas que desde siempre ha generado debate, no sólo entre instancias oficiales, sino también entre los principales ejecutores y receptores: la educación formal.

It has been a full year since I joined Cultural Survival and just five months into my journey, the COVID-19 pandemic hit and affected our lives in more ways than one. 2020 has caused unprecedented health, political and economic crises across the globe and this pandemic has deeply affected many Indigenous communities, causing an immediate threat to our well-being and survival. Cultural Survival, without missing a beat pivoted to supporting our partner communities and their responses to the virus. 

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