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The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Ms. Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, is conducting an official country visit to the United States of America from 22 February to March 3, 2017. As part of this visit, the Special Rapporteur will attend a series of regional consultations to examine the situation of indigenous peoples in the United States as it relates to energy development. The dates of these consultations and their host institutions are as follows:

We have serious challenges ahead as the Trump administration threatens the core values we hold dear.  I, like many, am outraged and deeply concerned about the recent presidential memoranda and executive orders that give momentum to detrimental social policies, the Keystone XL and Dakota access pipeline, an expedited environmental review process with disregard for environmental degradation and climate change. Moreover, ultimately the lack of a social justice and humanitarian conscience on display in these early days of the administration's sweeping changes.

On January 20, 2017, while the United States watched the swearing in of one its most controversial and oppressive presidents ever elected, the Maya people of Southern Belize  swore in new leadership under their traditional governance system, recognized under both Maya cultural authority and the State of Belize.  The alcaldes were elected in a peaceful process by 39 villages.  Cultural Survival congratulates the new leaders, including Mr.

Introducción por Laura Hobson Herlihy y traducción de la introducción por Sasha Marley

A finales del 2016,  un partido político minoritario de denominación indígena, YATAMA, por sus siglas en la lengua miskitu (Yapti Tasba Masraka Nanih Aslatakanka/Hijos de la Madre Tierra), logró un triunfo importante en las elecciones generales de Nicaragua, confrontando de forma eficaz al estado totalitario del régimen sandinista.

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