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“Our language is the number one source of our soul, our pride, our being, our strength and our identity.”-- Indigenous Language Instructor, Cultural Survival Quarterly, 2010

Languages are vanishing

Language experts believe that 90% of the world’s estimated 6,000 languages could disappear entirely by the end of this century. Indigenous Peoples face myriad socio-economic pressures and discriminatory policies forcing youth and adults alike to replace tribal languages with the dominant languages of the larger societies in which they live.

This past weekend Cultural Survival’s Endangered Languages Program Manager Jennifer Weston and Tracy Kelley, Wôpanâak Language Reclamation Project apprentice hosted a day-long workshop on Indigenous language revitalization projects with more than seventy tribal youth at the Montagnyard Pinecroft Learning Center and Church in Greensboro, North Carolina.  The high school students are part of an active refugee community numbering more than 4,000, and all speak one or more Indigenous languages originating in the central highlands of Vietnam, and are learning or already speak English.

Get to know Community Radio in Guatemala by seeing what's on the walls of our pilot stations:




Recognition to Radio San Jose from the Guatemalan Ministry of Education: "For the contribution that the people of San Marcos are informed about the policies and programs covered by the Ministry of Education though the objective journalism that the station maintains"  Radio San Jose,

January 2012 marked four years since Cultural Survival launched Endangered Languages Program partnerships with critically endangered Native American language communities. Since Spring 2008, Cultural Survival’s grassroots collaborative of four local language program directors and administrators serving 6 tribally-run programs has raised nearly three quarters of a million dollars in direct support for five partner programs, while leveraging nearly $2 million in total new investments in language revitalization efforts.

Mapunzugun is a language isolate spoken in Chile and Argentina by the Mapuche people. On February 21, 2012 in Temuco, the capital of Araucanía Region in Chile, several Mapuche organizations and communities organized a first regional march in support of the Mapunzugun language.

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