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Stereo Juventud is located in the village of Xajaxac, Solola, perching on highlands that look over the deep valley of Lake Atitlan.  Santiago Ajcalon, pictured, got the idea to found the radio station after the right to community radio was guaranteed to Indigenous Peoples in Guatemala's Peace Accords of 1996.  Since then, with the support of the people of Xajaxac, he and the station’s volunteers have been working to promote development in their community while keeping their Mayan culture and the Kakchiquel language alive.

Radio Ixchel is a community radio station located in Sumpango Sacatepequez, Guatemala.  Anselmo Xunic founded the station when he saw a need for a means of communication that represented their own community.  Anselmo explains, "there were no radio stations where we could hear voices representing our own community, our own Kachikel language, much less any female voices." The name "Ixchel" comes from the Sumpango's patron saint, the Mayan goddess of the harvest. The station broadcasts from 6am to 10pm, 7 days a week.

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