Sacred Water, Sacred Air, Sacred Land, Sacred Life
Sacred Water, Sacred Air, Sacred Land, Sacred Life
With October just around the corner, we need your help to change Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day in recognition that Indigenous Peoples are still here. Community organizers are coming together to get an Indigenous Peoples Day resolution passed in Boston to recognize the true history of the city and honor the continued resiliency of Indigenous communities in Boston today.
Nuestro programa de Becas para Jóvenes Indígenas apoya a jóvenes líderes Indígenas de entre 17 y 28 años de edad, deseosos de aprender sobre tecnología, desarrollo de programas, periodismo, radio comunitaria, medios de comunicación y defensa de los derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas. Desde 2018, hemos otorgado 110 becas apoyando a 204 becarios.
By Fr. Bijo Thomas, Station Director, Community Radio Mattoli, Wayanad, Kerala, India.
Radio Mattoli, a community radio station in Dwaraka, located in the Wayanad district of Kerala, India, won the award for best thematic radio program by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. The station was recognized for having the best quality and most relevant and timely coverage of climate mitigation and Indigenous practices out of 448 community radio stations in India. The award was presented to Radio Mattoli on July 23, 2023.
El Acuerdo Regional sobre el Acceso a la Información, la Participación Pública y el Acceso a la Justicia en Asuntos Ambientales en América Latina y el Caribe, mejor conocido como el Acuerdo de Escazú (llamado así por la ciudad en Costa Rica dónde se adoptó), es el primer tratado medioambiental regional que es vinculante.
With 50 years of experience, Cultural Survival believes that it is essential to listen and respond to the self-determined needs of communities to provide support that is sustainable and, most importantly, relevant to the needs of the communities we serve. We aim to increase and strengthen Indigenous communities' leadership, technical, organizational, advocacy, and sustainability capacities to exercise their rights to freedom of expression, self-determination, and ways of living and elevate their cultures and languages.
On December 17, 2021, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights announced its decision in the case Indigenous Maya Kaqchikel Peoples of Sumpango vs. Guatemala, declaring the Republic of Guatemala “internationally responsible for the violation of the rights to freedom of expression, equality before the law and participation in cultural life” of Indigenous Peoples.