Cultural Survival’s Indigenous Community Media Fund announces six 2021 grants, totaling $24,000, awarded to Indigenous community radio stations for the acquisition of transmitters and/or complementary equipment in Chile, Mexico, Nepal, Colombia, and Haiti.
The selected recipients obtained these funds through their commitment towards strengthening the collaboration, leadership, participation of Indigenous women communicators at their stations or Indigenous communications organizations. In addition, these six grant partners have done significant work to revitalize and promote the use of Indigenous languages at their stations. The Indigenous Community Media Fund grants will strengthen the capacity of community radio stations working in Indigenous language revitalization and education programs supporting children and youth during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Werken Kurruf Radio (Mapuche), Chile
Radio Werken Kurruf, "Messenger of the Wind,'' located in the ancestral territory of Aija Rewe del Budi in Chile, is a community radio station that aims to strengthen Mapuche culture. The Mapuche community seeks to reclaim and revitalize the Mapuzungun mother tongue in 120 communities in Mapuche territory. Their project "Newentuleyiñ taiñ zugutual taiñ kewun Werken Kvrvf (Raising our Language through Radio Werken Kvrvf)" will use funds to acquire new radio equipment and to contribute to revitalizing the Mapuzungun language, especially for younger generations.
Tutunaku Radio (Totonac), Mexico
Radio Tutunaku, located in Mecatlán, Veracruz, in Mexico, is a bilingual community radio station of the Totonac Peoples. This station aims to promote the self-determination of the communities through the revitalization of their language and interculturality. In its programming, they include Totonac language programs focused on the rights of Indigenous women and include information on COVID-19 prevention, and vaccination efforts. Radio Tutunaku also promotes educational programs, supporting children and reducing school dropouts during the pandemic. Through the purchase of a transmitter and antenna, their bilingual project "Ixtachiwin Kasipijni (The Voice of the Sierra)" will broadcast content related to their ancestral culture and contribute to strengthening the cultural roots of children, youth, and Elders.
Gorkhali Radio (Gurung), Nepal
Radio Gorkhali, located in the Kaski District, Gandaki Province in Nepal, is a community radio station that advocates for the inclusion of the Indigenous Nepali population in government. Also, it advocates for Indigenous communities to be involved in all levels of decision-making in laws and policies that affect them. This radio station has served as the primary means of communication for the No. 1 Province in Nepal during school closings during the COVD-19 pandemic, providing educational programs in mother tongues. Through a new transmitter and complementary equipment, the transmission of radio programs will improve and empower people in the community to advocate for their rights and make lasting changes.
Triyuga Radio (Magar and Limbu), Nepal
Radio Triyuga is a community radio station located in Udayapur District, Triyuga Province, Nepal, run by Indigenous women and men. Their radio programming focuses on the rights of Indigenous Peoples by providing information in the following Indigenous languages: Rai, Chamling, Bantawa, Tharu, Magar, Dhunt, and Tamang. With the support of the Nepali government, the radio produced and aired virtual Science, Math, and English classes during school closings as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the radio transmitter is very old and has suffered much damage, a new transmitter will expand the station’s reach and coverage. As a result of this funding, it will be possible to continue with the vision and mission of the radio station to support Nepali Indigenous communities.
Sembrando Vida y Paz Foundation (Kamëntšá), Colombia
The organization Fundación Sembrando Vida y Paz was formed by Kamëntša women and men. It aims to be the means of communication for the defense of human rights, including the rights to Kamëntšá identity, freedom of thought, and culture. They have developed radio programs with children, including recordings of children's songs. They have conducted visits to sacred spaces to learn about their traditions and strengthen their rights. Their project "Carrying the Voice without Borders'', will have a significantly increased impact and reach in the Upper Putumayo area of the Sibundoy Valley and will continue to promote the Kamëntšá language.
Vwa Peyizan Sid Radio (Grand'Anse and Nippes), Haiti
Community radio station Vwa Peyizan Sid was one of the first radio stations to serve the Nippe and Grand'Anse communities in southern Haiti. There was no means of communication to share their Peoples' experiences before this radio existed. Vwa Peyizan Sid Radio programming is available in Creole and reaches remote populations in southern Haiti. Through its educational programs, children and youth have a space to communicate. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the community, Lakou Kajou (a multimedia education platform for children), and the MWEM Foundation developed educational content in Creole to support children in developing their skills in literature, arithmetic, and science. In 2012, the radio suffered severe damage. With grant funds, the Vwa Peyizan Sid Radio will acquire a transmitter to continue broadcasting content to the Nippe and Grand'anse communities.