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Thirteen Maya villagers will be standing trial in Belize on March 30th, 2016, under fabricated charges. Like many Indigenous leaders fighting to protect their lands, they are being criminalized for these actions, and may face prison time.

On the early morning of June 24th, 2015, traditional leaders of the Maya people of Southern Belize were violently awoken in their homes by police. Charges were brought against 13 people, including 10 farmers, two traditional Maya leaders, and Q’eqchi community spokesperson Cristina Coc, advisor to the traditional leaders and mother of two.  


La Red Centroamericana de Radios Comunitarias Indígenas, la cual esta conformada por radio comunitaria indígenas de los siete países de Centroamérica (Belice, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica y Panamá), ha pronunciado su apoyo y respaldo para la iniciativa 4087, la Ley de los Medios Comunitarios, en Guatemala. En una carta poderosa, urgen que el Congreso de la Republica de Guatemala apruebe la ley para cumplir con su compromiso como un Estado Democrático.

By  Teresita Orozco 

On January 16th and 17th, 2016, Narganá, Comarca Guna Yala, Panama became the birthplace of the Central American Network of Indigenous Community Radios, with more than 40 radio directors from all seven countries in Central America as witnesses. Multiplying efforts to democratize communication in the region, this network will build on and strengthen community radio movements in each country.

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