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The 5th AMARC Asia-Pacific Regional Conference in Bangkok united over 150 participants from 18 countries to celebrate the power of community radio. During the four-day conference, participants shared experiences and lessons culminating in the Bangkok Declaration, which urges collaboration among community radio, regional bodies, and the UN, highlighting the role of community radio in achieving democracy and realizing Indigenous rights.

Omar Esparza

Hoy el mundo se debate en una crisis económica y ambiental por el calentamiento global. La nueva realidad social post pandemia, ha modificado nuestras prácticas sociales, culturales y cotidianas; las guerras por el agua y los recursos estratégicos son algunos temas actuales que se vuelven desafíos. La realidad actual requiere de una posición política clara, y de crear proyectos alternativos y transcribir la narrativa que dé certeza al poder salvar nuestra casa común y las muchas especies, entre ellas la nuestra. 

By Community Radio Nasa Stereo

The Nasa community is located in the ancestral territory of Toribio, Cauca, Colombia, comprised of three Indigenous reservations Tacueyo, San Francisco, and Toribio. 96% of its population is from the Nasa Indigenous People and the remaining 4% is recognized as mestizo or as part of other Indigenous Peoples, mainly Guambianos. The Nasa Indigenous People carry out resistance actions articulated from communication for the defense of the territory, the care of life, and the strengthening of cultural identity.

Today is International Mother Earth Day! 

The first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22,1970, in the United States. Then, there were no legal or regulatory mechanisms to protect our environment. Wisconsin Senator (D) Gaylord Nelson created Earth Day to put the environment onto the national agenda. Since 1970, when 20 million Americans demonstrated in different U.S. cities, Earth Day is celebrated around the world. In 2009, it was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly as an international day. 

Content Note: The following includes disturbing information on violence against Indigenous Peoples. We have strived to provide information on each individual, in celebration of their lives and work, without gratuitous detail on their deaths. While we have worked to avoid linking to sources with graphic imagery, please note that the sources linked may contain further details and images may be changed by websites after we have reviewed them.

By Rayyan Musa Lere, Station Manager, Radio Liberty Kaduna, Nigeria

Radio has long been a powerful tool for informing and connecting communities and promoting community resilience during periods of health crisis, which has become even more evident in recent years. One example of radio’s effectiveness in this regard is the year-long campaign launched by Liberty Radio 91.3 FM in Kaduna, Nigeria, with financial support from Cultural Survival.

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