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 Oct. 6, 2014 –­– The film Huicholes: The Last Peyote Guardians will be on a North American tour with 30+ screenings in more than 20 cities in the United States and Canada, with the U.S. premiere at Rice University Theater in Houston, Texas, and the Canadian premiere hosted by Cinema Politica in Montreal, Quebec. The documentary presents the emblematic case of the defense of Wirikuta, sacred territory to the Wixárika (Huichol) people against the threat of transnational mining corporations.

By Cesar Gomez

Recently, Indigenous men and women in the media from various countries on the continent of Abya Yala (North and South America, as it is commonly known) convened in Santa María Tlahuitoltepec, Mixe, Oaxaca, Mexico, to follow up on an initiative that goes straight to the heart of the struggle of Indigenous Peoples. This event, known as the Second Continental Summit on Indigenous Communication of Abya Yala, aimed to strengthen and empower communication among the Indigenous Peoples of Abya Yala through dialogue, exchange, reflection, and proposals.

Por Cesar Gomez

Recientemente comunicadores y comunicadoras de varias países del continente de Abyayala  se reunieron en santa María Tlahuitoltepec, mixe, Oaxaca-México, para darle continuidad a una iniciativa que nace de las entrañas de los pueblos originarios, la segunda cumbre de comunicación indígena, con el objetivo de contribuir  al fortalecimiento y empoderamiento estratégico de los procesos  de comunicación de los pueblos indígenas de abya yala, en un marco de dialogo, intercambio, reflexión y propuestas.

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