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By Phoebe Farris (Powhatan-Pamunkey)

The Pocahontas Reframed Film Festival held its annual celebration of Indigenous film in Richmond, Virginia, from November 17-19, 2023, amplifying the contributions of Native Americans, First Nations, and Indigenous Peoples around the globe in local, independent, nonprofit, and commercial film. Its films, panel discussions, and Q&As showcased stories and stimulated deep conversations that are at once relevant to specific Indigenous lives and all of humanity.

With Thanksgiving fast approaching, it's never too early to reflect on the true history of this holiday, its origins, and Indigenous practices and ways of giving thanks. We share some resources from Native authors available to help navigate through the abundance of information out there. These children's books shed light on the true history of Thanksgiving. It is important to seek out the truth and hear stories told by Indigenous people, start with the following book recommendations!



By Claudio Hernandez (Na Ñuu Savi/ Mixtec)

Mamá wakes me up gently by whispering in my ear, “Claudio…Claudio. Ntakoo se’e. Ntasalistuku ra na ko’on. Sava’á cafe. Ntakoo ra ko’o cafe tatu kunu.” Wake up my child. Get ready, and let’s go. I made coffee. Wake up and drink coffee if you want. She wakes me up like this for school or on Saturday mornings when I help her and Papá at work in the strawberry fields. Sometimes I can hear her making tortillas and wrapping food for everyone at home around 4:30 or 5:00 a.m.

By Chenae Bullock (Shinnecock)

Indigenous Peoples hold tenure to over 25 percent of the world's land surface, which is home to about 80 percent of the remaining global biodiversity, all while making up just a bit over 6 percent of the human population. Investing in Indigenous communities can promote cultural continuity, economic empowerment, environmental protection, and social justice, leading to a more sustainable and equitable world for all.

Image courtesy of MA Indigenous Legislative Agenda


It's time to recognize that celebrating the life of Christopher Columbus also celebrates the erasure of Indigenous existence. While there is a growing movement around the country to replace Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day, more work remains to be done. We are excited to share some local and national events celebrating Indigenous Peoples and Indigenous Peoples Day. 

In the United States, 30 states now celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day, or a holiday of a similar name, on the second Monday of October, as an official holiday or via proclamation. In 2021, Biden issued the first-ever presidential proclamation of Indigenous Peoples Day, however, he did not replace Columbus Day. 

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