Por Cesar Gomez (Maya Pocomam, Equipo de CS)
By Cesar Gomez (Maya Pocomam, CS Staff)
Por Radio Tosepan Limakxtum
Indigenous organizations in Russia, allied organizations, and Cultural Survival have released an Open Letter to the Putin administration sounding an alarm about the growing intimidations and reprisals against Indigenous activists and rights defenders in Russia.
Cada 12 de octubre, en muchos países de Abya Yala aún se sigue celebrando la invasión de sus territorios. Estas celebraciones, denominadas “el descubrimiento de América”, “el día de Colón”, “el encuentro entre dos mundos”, entre otras expresiones, no representan lo que realmente pasó en 1942: despojo, muerte y destrucción.
Christopher Columbus did not "discover" America because Indigenous Peoples have been on Turtle Island since time immemorial. Today and every day, let's remember and celebrate this land's First Peoples! It's time to recognize that celebrating the life of Christopher Columbus also celebrates the erasure of Indigenous existence. It is an act of violence, not solidarity. By commemorating Indigenous Peoples Day, we recognize colonization persists today and perpetuates oppression and violence against Indigenous Peoples as well as their
It's time to recognize that celebrating the life of Christopher Columbus also celebrates the erasure of Indigenous existence. There is a growing movement around the country to replace Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day but more work remains to be done. We are excited to share some local and national events celebrating Indigenous Peoples and Indigenous Peoples Day.