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Photo:  Human rights defenders from the Santa Eulalia & Santa Cruz Barillias areas of Huehuetenango, Guatemala gather together while celebrating the acquittal of Baltazar and 5 other rights defenders on July 31st, 2018.  Each person in the photo had been previously charged for crimes that of which they were later found innocent.  By Lisa Maya Knauer.

Read in English. 

Según Naciones Unidas, más de 5000 grupos Indígenas en 90 países hablan una inmensa mayoría de las 7000 lenguas del mundo. Los pueblos Indígenas están constituidos por 370 millones de personas aproximadamente, es decir, más del 5% de la población mundial.

Photo:  Human rights defenders from the Santa Eulalia & Santa Cruz Barillias areas of Huehuetenango, Guatemala gather together while celebrating the acquittal of Baltazar and 5 other rights defenders on July 31st, 2018.  Each person in the photo had been previously charged for crimes that of which they were later found innocent.  By Lisa Maya Knauer.

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Asociación sobrevivencia cultural y la Red centroamericana de radios comunitarias indígenas, en el marco del día internacional de los pueblos indígenas se prepara para realizar el II Encuentro Centroamericano de Radios Comunitarias Indígenas en Sololá, Guatemala del 7 al 10 de agosto, 2018. Satisfactoriamente recordamos que El primer encuentro se llevó a cabo en la ciudad de Panamá en el año 2016 con la participación de más de 30 Directores y Directoras de radios comunitarias y representantes indígenas de la región.

By Nati Garcia

After a week of intense travel in Ecuador from the south of Guayaquil to the north of Imbabura, we finally made it to Cotacachi located in the “hoya” of Ibarra on the divine slopes of Cotacachi stratovolcano in the eastern part of the Andes. Only 20 minutes from Otavalo, Cotacachi has a completely different atmosphere, full of art, music, and peace.Here people have maintained their native language, Kichwa, which in other areas of Ecuador is being forgotten.

En Español

The case of a Indigenous Guatemalan community radio host criminalized for his work is garnering international attention from a coalition of organizations working on freedom of expression, human rights, and Indigenous Peoples' rights. In September of 2015, Oscar Mejía (Maya K’iche) was detained during a raid at community radio station in Chichicastenango, Quiché, Guatemala.  Radio Swan Tinamit, property of the community, promotes the u

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