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International non-profit organization Cultural Survival, known locally and worldwide for its work to promote Indigenous Peoples’ rights, will hold its annual Indigenous arts Bazaar in Plymouth for the second year on Saturday, July 23 and Sunday, July 24 from 11am-6pm at DCR Pilgrim Memorial State Park.

Cultural Survival and Toronto-based WACC are pleased to announce the first round of grantees of our Community Media Grants Project partnership, an initiative strengthening international Indigenous community radio stations' broadcast infrastructure and systems. Ensuring that Indigenous communities have a viable and critical medium for dissemination of news, information, community events, historical documentation, education and entertainment, the project aims to enhance community efforts to establish and ensure sustainability of Indigenous community-controlled media.

​​​​​​​Que quede en la historia, todos los hombres y mujeres que promovieron la radio, la radio va servir para defender nuestros derechos y defender nuestro idioma, como lo es el Q’eqchi’ manifestó la profesora Guadalupe Quinich de la Junta Cargadora del Consejo de Comunidades Indígenas del Estor, durante la inauguración de la Radio Comunitaria Xyaab’ Tzuultaq’a, el 05 de marzo de 2017 fecha que coincidía con el inicio del Año Nuevo Maya, Joob Tz’ikin.
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