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Special Rapporteur Releases Annual Report on Indigenous Rights

UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples released his annual report on his communications with governments concerning 25 cases of specific violations of human rights of Indigenous Peoples in 15 countries. For some cases the Special Rapporteur has provided detailed observations with specific recommendations or descriptions of other follow up measures he has taken.

The 25 cases include: 
• Chile: Situación de los presos mapuche en una huelga de hambre y la aplicación de la ley antiterrorista en su contra
• Chile: Situation of the Rapa Nui people on Easter Island
• Costa Rica: Situation of the Térraba people and the hydroelectric project El Diquís
• Ethiopia: Situation of the Gilgel Gibe III hydroelectric project on the Omo River
• Guatemala: Situation of social and environmental problems generated by the Marlin mine 
• Israel: Situation of unrecognized Bedouin villages in the Negev desert
• Malaysia: Situation of the Long Teran Kanan village and native customary rights in Sarawak
• México: Situación del supuesto otorgamiento de concesiones mineras en la región de Wirikuta, Real de Catorce, San Luis Potosí, donde se encuentran sitios sagrados del Pueblo wixárika (huichol)
• Thailand: Exhumation of Hmong graves at Wat Tham Krabok
• United States of America: Situation of the Native Americans in relation to artificial snowmaking from recycled wastewater in the San Francisco Peaks

Read the full reports here.