On March 18, 2020, Funding Indigenous Women in Media webinar was co-hosted by Cultural Survival and International Funders for Indigenous Peoples. If you missed it, you can still be part of our rich discussion of how access to information technology can empower Indigenous women to combat harmful stereotypes, challenge abuse and violence, and express their own narratives of who they are as Indigenous Peoples.
- Osa-povi (Cara Dukepoo) , Radio DJ and Producer
- Tuhi Martukaw , Caucus Member, Indigenous Media Caucus
- Avexnim Cojti , Cultural Survival
- Galina Angarova , ED Cultural Survival
- Lourdes Inga , ED International Funders for Indigenous Peoples
Webinar Recording LINK .
Panelist PowerPoint presentations can accessed HERE .
Link to video Cara Dukepoo played during her presentation: Being a Navajo Woman- Jocelyn Billy-Upshaw