COP27, Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt | 18 November 2022
The International Indigenous Peoples' Forum on Climate Change (IIPFCC) would like to show appreciation for the hard work undertaken by the Parties to land the Cover Decision. We note with appreciation the inclusion of paragraph 11 of the Preamble of the Paris Agreement in the draft Cover Decision. However, we express with great concern the latest developments in the draft Cover Decision published at 9:00am on November 18, 2022, which we understand as moving away from ambitions and language contained in Glasgow Decisions at COP26.
In our position paper entitled “Draft Position of Indigenous Peoples on COP27 Cover Decision” dated November 7, 2022, we have asked the Parties to consider the inclusion of the following text into the preamble of the Cover Decision:
● Recognizing that to avert loss and damage, including non-economic loss and damage, associated with the adverse effects of climate change, the full and effective participation of Indigenous Peoples in addressing and responding to climate change, in compliance with the rights of Indigenous Peoples, is essential.
We once again reiterate to Parties that this is an urgent priority for Indigenous Peoples, and ask for inclusion of the aforementioned proposal in the preambular paragraph.
Additionally, paragraph 39 of the draft Cover Decision published at 9:00 am on November 18, 2022 does not reference non-economic loss and damage related to Indigenous Peoples. We also ask Parties to include the rights of Indigenous Peoples, to read as follows:
● Notes with great concern, as documented by the IPCC 6th AR WG II and WG III reports, the growing gravity, scope and frequency of loss and damage in all regions, and that loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change take the form of extreme weather events as well as slow onset events, and result in devastating economic and non-economic losses including through its impact on cultural heritage, human mobility and forced displacement and the lives and livelihoods of local communities, and the rights of Indigenous Peoples, and underlines in this regard that an adequate and effective response to loss and damage is of great importance to the continue credibility and relevance of the UNFCCC process;
It is vitally important for Indigenous Peoples that these recommendations are included in the COP27 cover decision. We hope that Parties will continue to work for a Cover Decision which will build upon progress already made in Glasgow, and maintain high ambition which takes into account the promotion and protection of human rights and the rights of Indigenous Peoples.