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6 июня, в Бонне, Германия начала свою работу Боннская конференция по изменению климата (6–16 июня), призванная подготовить программу и документы по ключевым областям к Конференции Сторон ООН по рамочной конвенции об изменения климата COP27, которая состоится в ноябре этого года.

May 5 is commemorated as National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. The day became recognized in 2017 when Montana Senators Steve Daines and Jon Tester responded to the murder of Hanna Harris on the Northern Cheyenne Reservation, as well as the cumulation of other murders and abductions of Native women and girls.

Intervention by the Association of Fulani Women and Indigenous Peoples of Chad (AFPAT, for its acronym in French) at the 2022 UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

Mister President, dear members of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, dear President of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, dear Special Rapporteurs, dear Indigenous brother and sister delegates:

Joint Asia Caucus Statement to the 21st Session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII)

Agenda Item 6: Discussion: Future work of the Permanent Forum, including issues considered by the Economic and Social Council and emerging issues

Statement on behalf of the Asia Indigenous People’s Caucus, Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP)

Presented by Chanchana Chakma on April 28, 2022.

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