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On March 12-13, 2020, in La Esperanza, Intibucá, Honduras, 11 Lenca women from radio stations in 7 different communities gathered for two-day workshops on community radio communication with a focus on gender equity organized by Cultural Survival, the Red de Desarrollo Sostenible Honduras (RDS), the Association of Community Media of Honduras (AMCH), and the Central American Network of Indigenous Community Radio Stations.

By Dev Kumar Sunuwar

When Victoria Tauli-Corpuz was appointed to the mandate of UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in May 2014, she perhaps thought that it would be smooth going,  reporting on the situation of the world’s Indigenous Peoples and then drawing relevant conclusions. But after a six-year appointment as special rapporteur, according to her, the mandate is “an uphill battle.” 

Since 1970, every year on April 22, people across the globe join together to celebrate Mother Earth. In 2009, the UN General Assembly proclaimed April 22 as  International Mother Earth Day . For many Indigenous Peoples, we celebrate this gratitude every day. "As our bodies originated of her, we properly regard her as our Earth Mother. Her life is our life.

By Laura Hobson Herlihy and Brett Spencer

The year 2020 has not begun favorably for the Indigenous Peoples on the Nicaraguan Caribbean coast. Amidst the impending coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, settler colonists (called colonos) violently attack Indigenous people and invade their rainforest lands. Ten Miskitu and Mayangna leaders and land defenders have been killed since early January.

By Carolyn Smith-Morris

The coronavirus has now arrived in many Indigenous communities. The first case was reported in the Brazilian Amazon a few weeks ago. The Navajo Nation is grappling with a surge of cases. The disproportionate risk for COVID-19 infection and related harms suffered by Indigenous and minority communities has become extreme due to preexisting health conditions and inequalities across the board.

Photo: Celia Panduro (Shipibo) of Masisea, Pucallpa, Peru, holds a sign that says "Stay at home" in her native language. Photo by Cecilio Soria, social communicator with the Shipibo Konibo Xetebo Indigenous governance council, whose radio station was supported by a grant from Cultural Survival in 2018.


By Danielle DeLuca

By Minnie Degawan
Now, four months into the worldwide crisis brought about by COVID 19, the situation of Indigenous Peoples is slowly coming to light with the dissemination of reports from different Indigenous organizations. Indigenous Peoples are facing particularly challenging times due to some basic facts including the susceptibility of Indigenous communities to infectious diseases due to their lower immunity and, their lack of, or limited access to information, among others. 

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