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By Hartman Deetz (Mashpee Wampanoag) 

Imagine walking through a museum in Japan and seeing a glass case containing a bronze plaque with the words inscribed on the surface, “George Washington slept here in 1776,” with the explanation that this bronze plaque was an important part of American history. As an American, you would assume that something had been lost in translation.

By Wakinyan LaPointe (Sicangu Lakota)

On August 15-17, MKW Co-conveners and partners will convene the Mni Ki Wakan (Water is Sacred) Summit, themed, “Indigenous Water Justice, Global Collaboration, & Dismantling Water Colonialism,” occurring in Rapid City, South Dakota, United States ( The MKW Summit will bring together Indigenous Peoples, youth, and Indigenous-led environmental water organizations.

De acuerdo con el Informe de de Evaluación Biológica y los Servicios de Ecosistemas, realizado por la UNESCO en 2019, “los principales factores mundiales que impulsan la pérdida de la diversidad biológica son el cambio climático, las especies invasoras, la sobreexplotación de los recursos naturales, la contaminación y la urbanización”.

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