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By Nati Garcia (Maya Mam, CS Staff)

World Soil Day is held annually on December 5 as a means to focus attention on the importance of healthy soil and to advocate for the sustainable management of soil resources. For generations, Indigenous Peoples have shaped landscapes through a reciprocal relationship with the land, thus preserving healthy ecosystems. The connection to the land is mutually tied with Indigenous worldviews. Supporting traditional farming for Indigenous communities is vital. 

In English

Por Avexnim Cojti Ren (Maya K’iche’, Equipo de CS)

Nuestros ancestros nos han dejado un gran legado;  conmemorar, respetar y celebrar al sagrado abuelo sol que está avanzando a otro cambio de ciclo, recordándonos de la gentil vuelta de nuestra madre tierra alrededor de él,  porque sus tiempos son nuestros tiempos, independientemente de donde estemos.

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