Indigenous Peoples around the world have to constantly face the challenge of dealing with discrimination and violence, be it physical or psychological, in the form of exclusion and marginalization.
Indigenous Peoples around the world have to constantly face the challenge of dealing with discrimination and violence, be it physical or psychological, in the form of exclusion and marginalization.
By Tia-Alexi Roberts (Narragansett, CS Staff)
Los jóvenes Indígenas de todo el mundo encarnan la resiliencia y la esperanza, enfrentándose con valentía a los retos sistémicos para defender la acción colectiva en sus comunidades. A pesar de enfrentarse a estas complejidades, su compromiso inquebrantable con el crecimiento, el empoderamiento y la aspiración brilla con luz propia. Nuestro programa de Becas a Jóvenes Indígenas proporciona una plataforma de apoyo para que estos jóvenes líderes amplifiquen sus voces y aboguen por el cambio. Salvaguardan sus tierras, culturas y lenguas al tiempo que fomentan comunidades indígenas prósperas.
Through Cultural Survival's Indigenous Youth Fellowship Program, we support the leadership of Indigenous youth in advocating and striving for new ways of safeguarding their lands, cultures, and languages. Here, we uplift three youth fellowship projects related to the revitalization of languages and cultures.
February 21 is International Mother Language Day. It was first proclaimed in 1952 as "Language Movement Day" by Dhaka University students in Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan) who protested the suppression of their Bengali language. Police and military forces opened fire, killing many young people in attendance.